IoT for Corporate Sustainability: Seven Ways to Reduce Environmental Impact

by | Feb 20, 2020

A big topic of discussion in corporate responsibility is sustainability. Employees and society want companies to reduce their environmental impact. With the help of IoT technology, businesses can not only meet sustainability objectives but also save money in the long-run. Here are seven use cases.

Smart Grids Intelligent electricity distribution systems enable utility providers to manage and monitor their assets. Smart grids can inform utility providers--beforehand--about power outages and other infrastructure failures; connected systems allow companies to manage and reroute energy during these times.

Smart Meters Instead of waiting for monthly manual reports, smart meters give real-time energy, water, and gas data. This enables businesses and homes to make smarter decisions and modify their consumption habits to reduce their carbon footprint and save money.

Smart Water IoT sensors embedded into water management infrastructures can monitor local weather forecasts and control drainage to minimize flooding, stormwater runoff, or property damage. Additionally, smart sensors can be added to plumbing systems to alert about potential leaks.

Smart Lighting Adding IoT to lighting systems is an integral component of optimizing electricity use. Temperature and light sensors mimic natural light cycles and conserve energy. Sensors can turn off lights when a room is empty and adjust lighting depending on the amount of natural light in the room.

Smart Streetlights Connecting streetlights with IoT takes smart lighting to the next level. Light adjusts based on the presence of pedestrians and vehicles. Additionally, it provides the infrastructure to deploy other smart city applications, such as security cameras, air quality monitors, traffic management, and gunshot detection.

IoT Air Quality Monitoring IoT sensors can gather extensive information about the air, including temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and carbon dioxide. This can be used as a safety measure to detect the presence of reactive, and often toxic, gases, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and other particulate matter in real-time.

Smart Waste Connected trash cans alert waste management companies when bins are full, allowing a company to dispatch collectors only when necessary--reducing both fuel consumption and street congestion. Additionally, networked waste receptacles can help consumers more easily locate trash or recycling opportunities.

IoT enables companies to reduce their environmental impact through the management and monitoring of their assets. With smart design, manufacturers can create devices that consume less energy, produce less waste, and fix design flaws, which in turn saves money and time.
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