The 6 Complexities of Building a Managed IoT Platform

by | Jan 30, 2020

Jeffrey Lee over at Particle breaks down the 6 complexities that one must cross when building a managed IoT platform. Building a managed IoT platform is certainly hard. It’s a strange combination of hardware and software, networking and sensors, data and scaling; really a merging of classically separate disciplines into a larger, more complex stack. A Cicso Survey (2017) showed that over 60% of IoT initiative owners underestimated the complexities of their IoT initiative, and 75% of IoT initiatives failed. This may seem discouraging, but the fact is, managed IoT platforms certainly can be built, there is just a gap in education that needs to be filled to re-adjust expectations and assumptions when starting the IoT journey. In an effort to better inform the complexities involved, Jeffrey breaks down the 6 listed below:
  1. Designing, building, and testing software and hardware
  2. Infrastructure setup and costs
  3. Domain expertise
  4. Flexibility/scalability
  5. IoT sensors and networking complexity
  6. The security/privacy issue

Each is broken down to describe what they mean, the context for why they are important, and the approach that should be taken. Additionally, Particle has compiled a list of IoT white papers to further explore the ins and outs of IoT infrastructure, security, supply chain management, and power management.
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